Tax Considerations When Living Abroad
Tax season is difficult enough. When living abroad, it can become even more complicated. As a U.S. citizen, you must file a tax return with the IRS, regardless of where you are living in the world. You also may need to pay and file taxes in the country where you live. Here are a few of the tax considerations that may affect you while you are living or working abroad.
Worldwide Income
Your tax return must include all your income, whether or not it was earned on U.S. soil. Income earned in a foreign country is taxable by the IRS and must be claimed on your tax return. It may also be taxed by the country where it is earned, causing a double taxation situation. However, you may be able to deduct the tax that you pay to another country. But this can be tricky. Number one, it must be considered deductible by the IRS, which can depend on the country where you are living. Secondly, you must be able to prove you paid the taxes – this can be difficult due to the difference in tax years, and documentation available in various countries.