Payroll Tax Problems best Handled by Experienced Business Tax Attorney
Our tax attorneys continue to see businesses struggle with payroll tax problems. Whether you have 3 employees or 300, or whether you have downsized in response to the struggling economy, payroll tax audits can cause serious legal and financial problems that can threaten the survival of a business.
The U.S. Department of Justice reports a recent case out of northern Virginia, in which a business owner was sentenced to 19 months in prison for failing to collect, account for, and pay to the Internal Revenue Service more than $200,000 in employee withholding taxes.
He was also ordered to pay $88,826.79 in restitution to the IRS.
The defendant was president of a computer software company. According to the government’s allegations, he failed to pay to the government employees’ withholdings for Social Security, Medicare and federal income taxes from December 2004 to June 2008.
The case was handled by the Justice Department’s Tax Division, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and the Internal Revenue Service.
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