More Tax Problems for U.S. Citizens with Foreign Bank Accounts in Israel
The Supervisor of Banks at the Bank of Israel and the supervisory authorities in the US–signed a Statement of Cooperation. The Statement of Cooperation establishes a mechanism for the transfer of information between the authorities in the context of the authorization process of establishing cross-border banking activity in the U.S. or Israel, and in the context of their ongoing function as regulators of banking activity.
The announcement didn’t specifically mention FBARs, or foreign bank accounts, however, it appears that this will be just one more avenue for the Internal Revenue Service to pursue in locating U.S. citizens who have unreported bank accounts in Israel. According to the press release the Statement of Cooperation establishes a mechanism for the transfer of information between the authorities in the context of the authorization process of establishing cross-border banking activity in the US or Israel, and in the context of their ongoing function as regulators of banking activity.
When added to the ongoing grand jury investigations of Israeli banks, and the implementation of FATCA in 2013 it demonstrates the danger of continued non-reporting of foreign bank accounts-especially for dual Israeli citizens.
If you have an offshore bank account call the tax lawyers of Brager Tax Law Group, A P.C. for a confidential consultation to discuss your options.