How do taxpayers end up with FBAR compliance problems?
FBAR compliance mistakes and failures can be incredibly easy to make, but noncompliance carries harsh and significant financial penalties. In some instances where there is the appearance of fraud or willfulness, your tax matter may be referred to the IRS Criminal Investigation division (CI). Once your matter has been referred to CI, you should seek an experienced tax professional because criminal tax charges are likely to follow.
However, if you take deliberate, well-considered and strategic action before being audited or coming under investigation, you may be able to resolve you past FBAR problems. While there will almost certainly be some penalty associated with disclosing past non-compliance, these penalties are relatively mild in comparison to those that can be levied if civil or criminal tax charges are filed. The Brager Tax Law Group is dedicated to helping hard-working taxpayers resolve their FBAR problems and achieve compliance with the US tax system. The remainder of this post will analyze how FBAR failures can occur and potential solutions.
You did not understand when an FBAR filing is mandatory