Each year, LexisNexis honors a select group of blogs that set the online standard for a given industry. I’m honored that my blog is one of the nominated candidates for the Top 20 Tax Law Blogs of 2011, featured on the LexisNexis Tax law Community.
Each comment is counted as a vote toward my blog, so I invite your comments to support my nomination. To submit a comment, visitors need to log on to their free LexisNexis Communities account. If you haven’t previously registered, you can do so for free by following this link.
Click here and you will be led to the announcement post on LexisNexis Tax Law Blog Nominees. The comment box is at the very bottom of the blog nomination page. You will only need to fill in your name and type in Tax Problem Attorney Blog with your comments in the comment box.The comment period for nominations ends on November 18, 2011.
Thank you for your support!