
Articles Posted in offshore disclosure


What Should I Do If I Have an Unreported Offshore Account at a “Bad Bank”?

If you have an account at one of the IRS “bad banks” and you used the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP), you will face a 50 percent offshore penalty on the highest aggregate account balance during the disclosure period, instead of the regular 27.5 percent offshore penalty. On top of…


Should I Wait to Disclose My Offshore Accounts?

If you aware that you have unreported foreign financial accounts that expose you to liability for Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) or Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) violations, you should carefully consider the risks of waiting to disclose your offshore accounts, including the following: The IRS does not have…


When the 50 Percent Penalty Applies During Offshore Voluntary Disclosure

The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) normally comes along with an “offshore penalty” equal to 27.5 percent of the highest aggregate account balance of the previously unreported foreign financial assets. However, the penalty is increased to 50 percent for taxpayers who have accounts at foreign financial institutions that are under…

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