
Tax Problem Attorney Blog


IRS Offshore Bank Account Amnesty Program Heavy Handed

The other day I blogged about the new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax amnesty for holders of Swiss and other offshore bank accounts who make a voluntary disclosure. I called it a “break.” Upon further reflection I think that the tax amnesty is a blunt instrument rather than the scalpel…


IRS Offers Break on FBAR Penalties for Offshore Bank Account Holders

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued guidelines for resolving the civil tax penalties related to offshore bank accounts for individuals who make voluntary disclosures. Generally it will require: • Payment of all taxes and interest for the previous six years. • Assessment of an accuracy penalty under Internal Revenue…


IRS Seeks to Proceed in Robert Allen Stanford Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing

Earlier this year Robert Allen Stanford became infamous when he was accused by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of engaging in a gigantic fraud. It turns out that Robert Allen Stanford also has massive tax problems. According to a Motion to Intervene filed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)…


California State Board of Equalization (BOE or SBE) Proposes Amendments to Resale Certificate Regulation

The California State Board of Equalization (BOE or SBE) has scheduled a public hearing on an amendment to Regulation 1668, Sales for Resale. According to the BOE the purpose of the amendment is clarify the acceptable language in purchase orders taken by a seller in support of a valid resale…


IRS Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) Has New Director

Effective April 1, 2009 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) will have a new Director- tax controversy attorney Karen Hawkins, Esq. Having known Karen professionally for a number of years I am confident that she will bring a well needed dose of practicality to OPR. Karen…


UBS Offshore Account Tax Problems Continue

According to a report on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will be holding further hearings on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) attempts to obtain the names of thousands of UBS clients who may have committed tax evasion through the use of Swiss Bank accounts. The hearing is scheduled…

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