
Tax Problem Attorney Blog


Taxpayer Advocate Reports Tax Liens as Serious Tax Problem

The Internal Revenue’s (IRS ) tax lien filing polices were in the Taxpayer Advocate’s 2009 Report to Congress listed as the second most serious tax problem facing taxpayers today. This is not a big surprise to those tax lawyers who deal with IRS tax collection problems on a regular basis.…


Swiss Court Finds Certain UBS Disclosures of Offshore Accounts Illegal

The Swiss Federal Administrative Court ruled that the order to UBS by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) to turn over the names of 250 United States UBS customers accused of committing tax fraud or tax evasion was illegal. The decision may be appealed to the Swiss Supreme Court.…


Offshore Tax Havens, Tax Fraud and Senator Carl Levin

I lifted my nose up from filingtax amnesty under the here. A few highlights are worth repeating: • Liechtenstein and Switzerland have reversed decades of resistance and agreed to enter into Tax Information Exchange Agreements in line with the model agreement developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development…


Tax Amnesty Offshore Voluntary Disclosure FBAR Deadline Extended

The IRS announced that the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure program granting tax amnesty to those who failed to file Foreign Bank Account Reports, Form TD-F 90-22.1 (FBAR) has been extended. The new deadline for filing a request to participate in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure program is Oct. 15th. The prior deadline…

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