Denise Rich, former wife of commodities trader Marc Rich who was indicted in the 1983 on charges of tax fraud, gave up her U.S. citizenship, avoiding potential future tax problems. The 68 year-old woman is a Grammy-nominated songwriter whose songs have been recorded by Aretha Franklin, Mary J. Blige and…
Articles Posted in Offshore Bank Account Problems
IRS Provides Half-Baked Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) Relief for Some Offshore Account Holders Who Live Overseas
Some FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) relief was announced on June 26th for offshore account holders who currently live outside of the U.S. The program will not take effect until September 1st, and the details have not yet been finalized. Taxpayers who qualify will file delinquent returns for the past…
2011 FBAR Filing Date Reminder
FBARs (Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report Form TD F 90-22.1) are due June 30th. If you or your clients have $10,000 or more in offshore financial accounts and are U.S. citizens, residents and/or U.S. based entities, use this form to report a financial interest in or signatory authority over…
Offshore Bank Account Owners at Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB) May be In Trouble
Lichtenstein tax authorities have notified Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB)’s U.S. clients with offshore accounts of at least $500,000 that their information is subject to being turned over to the IRS according to a report in Apparently the IRS has made a so-called group request to LLB for these accounts…
Failure to File FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) for Offshore Funds Leads to Seizure of Over 4.6 Million Dollars From Alaska Plastic Surgeon
The failure to file a Foreign Bank Account Report TD F 90-22.1 (FBAR) for an offshore bank account has led to the seizure of an Alaska plastic surgeon’s $4.6 million dollar account at a Seattle branch of Bank of America. According to the complaint filed in District Court Alaska plastic…
FBAR Non-Filers Beware: Either Tax Fraud OR Filing a False Tax Return Can Result in Deportation
Recently the Supreme Court held in Kawashima v. Holder (Feb. 21, 2012) that filing a false tax return in violation of IRC Section 7206(1) as well as other criminal tax offenses are aggravated felonies which can result in deportation of a resident alien. Just over two years ago we blogged…
Quick Tips on Offshore Bank and Financial Accounts
In January I appeared on a panel with several other tax lawyers at the 2012 University of Southern California Tax Institute. One of the topics was Quick Tips on Offshore Bank and Financial Accounts. The presentation was intended for tax attorneys, CPAs, and other tax professionals. However, anyone who has…
Swiss Bank Clariden Leu to Turn in Its U.S. Clients
In a little noticed development, Switzerland’s oldest private bank Clariden Leu has informed some of its U.S. clients that it has been ordered to turn over their names, and offshore bank account information to the IRS. Clariden Leu posted a notice on its website dated Nov. 29, 2011 to that…
More Swiss Banks to Turn Over Offshore Bank Account Information to IRS?
According to press reports Credit Suisse, Basler Kantonalbank, Julius Baer, HSBC Switzerland and seven other Swiss banks are poised to turnover data related to U.S. persons suspected of tax evasion or Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) violations. The story was published on December 18th in SonntagsZeitung, a Swiss newspaper. Supposedly…
IRS Fact Sheet 2011-13 (FS -2011-13) Much Less FBAR Relief Than Reported
IRS Fact Sheet 2011-13 (FS -2011-13) has been heavily touted (mostly in the Canadian Press) as providing FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) relief for dual U.S. citizens abroad. However, in the view of our tax attorneys it simply reiterates existing law. As readers of the Tax Problem Attorney Blog are…