Tax fraud is not limited to the young. The IRS has once again demonstrated that its pursuit of American citizens who commit tax evasion through the use of offshore bank accounts does not diminish when taxpayers of advanced age are involved. Seventy eight- year-old Peter Troost, of Skokie, Illinois, recently…
Articles Posted in Offshore Bank Account Problems
Offshore Account Holders Beware. More Swiss Bank Account Information to Be Turned Over to the IRS
In a move which should send shivers through the spines of delinquent FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) filers the Swiss Federal Supreme Court has granted the IRS’ request for the names of U.S persons holding “secret” Swiss bank accounts. The IRS had originally submitted a so-called group request in September…
IRS Slams Offshore Account Holder with 200% FBAR penalty for Willful Failure to File Foreign Bank Account Reports
The IRS has assessed FBAR penalties against Carl R. Zwerner for willfuly failing to file an FBAR (Foreign Bank Account Report) on Form TDF 90-22.1. The news here is that the IRS is seeking to impose a willful failure to file an FBAR penalty against Zwerner for multiple years. Specifically…
87 Year Old Hawaiian Auto Mogul Acquitted of all Tax Fraud and Conspiracy Charges after District Court for District of Hawaii Finds Lack of Intent and Willfulness
The U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii recently acquitted an 87-year-old auto dealership mogul of all tax fraud and conspiracy charges that the U.S. Government had brought against him. James Pflueger, who was facing multiple counts of both tax fraud and conspiracy to defraud the government, had been…
Streamlined Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) Filing Compliance Procedure FAQs Issued by IRS for Non-Resident Taxpayers
Last year the IRS announced an alternative to its Offshore Voluntary Compliance Program (OVDP) which was being made available to a limited group of non-resident individuals who failed to file Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARs) on Form TDF 90-22.1. Our tax lawyers blogged about the Streamlined Program previously, taking a…
Foreign Bank Accounts and the Failure to File Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARS) May Be the Death Knell of the 5th Amendment
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that offshore bank account records sought in a tax evasion. The IRS already knew based upon records it received from UBS that the witness held offshore bank accounts. To lay people, and even to most tax attorneys this was a startling result. Actually…
IRS Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR), TD F 90-22.1 FBAR Relief for Non-Residents With Offshore Bank Accounts–Too Little Too Late
Relief from penalties for failure to file Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBAR), TD F 90-22.1 for non-resident U.S. persons with offshore bank accounts was first announced by the IRS on June 26, 2012 with further guidance promised before the procedure’s September 1st effective date. On Friday Aug. 31, 2012 with…
Criminal Tax Case Involving Offshore Bank Accounts Leads to Lawsuit Against U.S. Billionaire
When American billionaire Igor Olenicoff opened his offshore bank account with Swiss bank UBS, AG he was allegedly told he did not have to file Form TD F 90-22.1, or Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report, more commonly known as an FBAR, or pay taxes on the $180 million he…
Offshore Bank Account Whistleblower Released from Prison
Former Swiss banker Bradley Birkenfeld has been released from prison where he had served 30 months of his 40-month sentence for his work at UBS, AG helping clients hide their offshore bank accounts. Mr. Birkenfeld exposed the Swiss bank as a facilitator for U.S. taxpayers who wished to commit tax…
Former UBS Client Charged with Failure to File FBAR
Willful failure to file a Form TD F 90-22.1, or Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report, more commonly known as an FBAR is a criminal violation of the Bank Secrecy Act. Luis A. Quintero, a former UBS Client, found that out first hand when he was sentenced recently to four…